One of the sailor warriors, Sellerlemius/Mizuse Miu, was imprisoned in a dark prison for his enemy, Baron Denvals. Denvals tries to control Remius physically and mentally. Remius escaped from Ajito with a momentary gap. Inflamed with anger, he creates a tactile monster Gesodero from his own body and sends it to Remius. Remius was entangled in a tactile attack and unable to move, but the last force freezes the gezoderoa and crushes it. However, gesoderoa, which does not die at the cell level when crushed, is parasitic to Remius and grows into a tactile cruciate shape that makes Remius a cocoon. A bunch of relentlessly twisting tentacles into Lemius, who is completely locked in motion, continue to deceive and blame her body. [BAD END]