Spandexer's Gaiden: The story of the evil warrior Zola. Gerhard's top executive, Zola, was at an age when he had to give birth to even stronger evil warriors. The World's Greatest Gene Needed, and Sora's Sperm Collecting Travel Started... The target was Red Dragon, the leader of phantom V, the best warrior on Earth. Spandexer advises him that he is at risk, but the Red Dragon never listens to his advice and becomes glorified in front of a beautiful spandexer. Zola came to feed the Red Dragon. The jealousy of the thick and sadistic Zola was that it had ejaculated the heroes of the earth many times. Zola, who is in love with Sex, has not yet known that Spandexer came to Earth... Will Zola's horrible ambition be successful? [BAD END]